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When human beings experience trauma or severe life stressors, it is not uncommon for their lives to unravel. My greatest passion is bringing healing to people who have been through traumatic and stressful experiences. I help them to find healthy perceptions of themselves and

strengthen their relationships so they can know themselves as peaceful, complete, whole and safe.

Little “Pie” McElveen was born and raised in Paterson NJ. He is a father, educator, mentor, public speaker, author and a podcast host. He was awarded The Alpha Phi Alpha Mentorship Award & The Nan NYC Chapter Man of Vision Award, for his dedication to nurturing, inspiring and empowering young people to achieve their goals and visions in different

communities. These awards, along with others that he has received continue to inspire him to “Be The Change”.

In 2020, with his lifelong friends Nitty Green and Danielle Silva, they created a podcast called "Vibe Sessions" where they have built a positive, refreshing social media platform discussing life, love and music. 

In 2021, Pie wrote a book that was inspired by his life after divorce, titled “The Transition”, My Jouney. This writing shares his personal struggles and challenges faced after divorce in hope to help others. Pie chose to be transparent because men have struggled with a stereotype of showing

strength without fear or compassion. "Divorce upsets the natural order of things. It is one of the most painful experiences any family can experience. It's not only the death of a marriage, but also the death of hopes and dreams. It can be more painful than physical death which at least has a finality to it. It’ll require you to move from an ending of the marriage, to the beginning of a new life. In between this ending and new beginning is an area of uncertainty called “The Transition.” This is that time when you  will figure out who you really are. Even during this painful situation, you'll have to learn to accept the pain as being normal. Because pain is nature's way of telling us that something is broken and needs to be fixed. Whether a broken leg or a broken heart, real pain motivates us to get the help we need to heal and to take proper care of ourselves."

Book Link: or

In May 2022, Pie's new podcast titled "The Conversation" will broadcast live on Facebook every Wednesday at 7pm est. The Conversation will focus on mental and emotional fitness.

Follow Pie at:

Instagram: @littlepiemcelveen


"The Conversation" Facebook:

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